Sunday 29 March 2009

Silver Coast Update

We were buzzing about The Silver Coast of Portugal as a place
to invest last and since then we would like to bring you more exciting
news on developments in the area. It was just announced that a 348 million
euro project of new roads and improvements to some of the older roads
around the more popular towns would be undertaken in the next few years.
This will extention of the A8 motorway to link with the main A1 connecting Lisbon to Porto and greatly improve access for the area to these 2 important cities and their airports. Also news of a new Leira Shopping and entertainment centre in Leiria will also add benifit to anyone living or wish to invest in this exciting region of Portugal. Disbite all the doom and gloom around at the moment local agents for Property on the Silver Coast are still reporting plenty of interest with people looking to buy property in Portugal and this particular area is still seeing strong demand.

Sunday 15 March 2009

Property Silver Coast Time to Invest?

The Silver Coast of Portugal is one of Europes best kept secrets miles of beautiful sandy beaches the scent of Pine from the local forests filling the air sunshine and history what more could you want!
With Property on the Silver Coast still offering some of the best value in Europe easy access from both Oporto in the North and Lisbon in the South via Portugal's first class motorway system getting to the Silver Coast could not be easier.
For a selection of quality property for sale on the silver coast visit Property Silver Coast and invest now whilst prices are still affordable,

Sunday 8 March 2009

Invest in Portugal's Silver Coast

Property Silver Coast is promoting this beautifull area of Portugal Europe' s best kept secret. The area around Nazare a popular seaside resort is particually outstanding with miles of sandy beaches great surfing and surrounded by pine forests the scent of which fills the air.
Even with the high Euro you can still find fantastic bargins in this unspoilt region a great place to vacation or to live with new developments like Bella Vista a quality development of just 38 properties from just 185000 euro with panoramic views and only 10 minutes to the beach! You really need to check this out

Taxi Website's

The Taxi Diretory have launched this great new Website deal to get your taxi company on the first pages of the top search engines like Google & Yahoo guaranteed for just £29.99 per month for taxi websites.
If your looking for new business in these difficult times this is really great value you can get you taxi business at the top where people are looking for you and expand your taxi company. Most internet business charge a fortune for a website and then just leave you to sink into the big black whole never to be found!
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Sunday 28 December 2008

If you dont STOP SNORING!!!!!

Snoring is one of those devastating problems that affect nearly everyone all over the world. An estimated 50% of people suffer from snoring and if that’s the case, then the other half of the world hears that 50% of the population snore.One way or another, snoring affects you. Whether you snore, your dad snores, your husband snores or your dog snores, chances are one of the nights you are going to wake up annoyed by someone’s snoring.Instead of reaching for the nearest pillow to smother them in their sleep, learn how you can help them beat their snoring once and for all. No one should ever live with the infuriating sound of snoring ever again. Learn how easy it is to cure a loved one’s snoring with Natural Ways to Stop Snoring.This easy to follow guide will help you understand everything there is to know about snoring and will teach you what you need to know to stop it dead in it’s tracks.Natural Ways to Stop Snoring will help you sleep tonight. Learn how you can get that deep sleep without ever making or hearing a peep. Let me show you how.

Soccer with No Hands!!!

Ali Abbas from Iraq plays football for two London clubs - Chelsea and Tottenham.

Ali Abbas seldom wears his artificial arms
He plays well. He scores goals. He is fit. He is skilled. His record with "kick-ups" - keeping the ball in the air - is 98.
Ali has no arms.
Falling over is dangerous - he has had to learn to roll onto his side when he loses balance. And the Chelsea and Tottenham sides he plays for are their disabled teams.
Ali is nearly 18 now - almost six years on from a terrible event in Baghdad.
Late one night, at the end of March 2003, during the Iraq war, an American rocket exploded next to their home.
Ali's mother, father, and 14 other members of his family were killed, and Ali lost both his arms.
TV, websites and newspapers showed a boy lying in a hospital bed, looking straight at the camera biting his lower lip as if about to weep - white bandages just below his shoulders, protecting the stumps of his arms.
Ali Fund
There is another photograph of Ali, taken before his arms were amputated, which was not widely published.
It shows the blackened flesh and bones of his fingers, his wrists and his forearms scorched and incinerated by the explosion.
There is a wide burn, almost circular, covering most of the front of his body.
But above his chest, and below his waist, there was no injury at all.

Ali lost 14 members of his family, and his arms, in 2003
The media attention that Ali received six years ago caught the eye of another amputee - Zafar Khan, a London pharmacist and chairman of the Limbless Association, who has an artificial leg because of a car accident.
"Dr. Zafar", as Ali calls him, set up the Ali Fund, and arranged for the 12-year-old Iraqi to be seen by the prosthetists at Queen Mary's Hospital in south London.
The Limbless Association's senior prosthetist Nick Hillsdon fitted Ali with artificial arms.
But Ali hardly wears them.
He says they are heavy, and hard to attach. He has to leave them carefully positioned when he takes them off, so that he can get them on again without a struggle.
People who lose their legs really have no choice, if they want mobility: they have to get used to wearing artificial legs, and they have hands for tightening the straps.
But Ali gets by very well without arms. He uses his feet to change channels on the TV remote control, to play games on his Playstation, and even to hold his toothbrush.
But he is not able to use his feet to attach his arms. His uncle Mohammed helps him with that, and with going to the bathroom.
Future president?
Mohammed is a self-effacing, smiling, kind uncle who looks after Ali meticulously.
In a symmetry of loss, it was Ali's mother, killed in the rocket explosion, who brought up Mohammed after his own mother had died when he was a child.

Ali began using his feet for tasks shortly after he lost his arms
Ali is an engaging, apparently well-adjusted young man - he has an infectious laugh, and seems generally cheerful, despite what happened to him one night in Baghdad six years ago.
But tears come to his eyes sometimes when he talks about that night - he is still deeply sad that he was unable to attend his parents' funeral.
And he did not even know they were dead until several weeks later.
But he did know really: "none of my close family came to visit," he told me.
Ali now lives in London and in Baghdad. He has been to school in Britain, but not consistently enough to pass exams.
But he is intelligent and observant and perceptive - and he can type with his toes.
He told me he would like to be a professional football coach.
And, he says, he wants to do something to help his country.
"Yes, why not?" is his reply when I asked him about getting involved in politics.
"President of Iraq?" I suggested light-heartedly.
"Yes," replied Ali Abbas. And he was not joking.


Saturday 27 December 2008

The First Lady of Style ?

A red lace silk gown adorned with crystals hangs in a display cabinet, as the crowds file past.
The dress, which was worn by Laura Bush at the inaugural ball in 2001, is one of many on display at the museum of American History in Washington DC.
The exhibition, which has just reopened, showcases the styles of First Ladies over the decades. It is one of the museum’s most popular, reflecting the interest many in the US pay to the trends and tailoring of the president’s wife.
As First Ladies have changed, so have fashions - from the dress worn by Martha Washington in 1780 which is hand painted, to the asymmetric silk gown worn by Jacqueline Kennedy at a state dinner in 1961.
Mrs Kennedy’s choice of outfits was unique in that they created a style in themselves and are still being copied to this day.
Many believe that First-Lady-in-waiting Michelle Obama is set to create a similar storm in the fashion world.
"I'd like to see her bring a sense of fashion back to the White House, just like Jacqueline Kennedy did in the 60s," says Mary, who is visiting the museum from Pittsburgh.
Style magazine Women’s Wear Daily believes Mrs Obama is an icon in the making.
"Michelle Obama radiates a powerful style all her own. So step aside, Angelina. You too, Madonna, not to mention the bevy of pop tarts, gossip girls, High School Musical grads and even potential Oscar divas, now all suddenly second-tier," it says.
"The American fashion industry hasn’t had a catch this big since, well, since another icon of Democratic chic took up residency on Pennsylvania Avenue in 1961."
The next big public occasion for Mrs Obama is the presidential inauguration and ball on 20 January. What she will wear to these is a closely guarded secret, but Women’s Wear Daily asked some top designers, including Oscar de la Renta, Christian Lacroix, Marc Jacobs, Diane von Furstenberg and Tommy Hilfiger to offer their ideas for an outfit.
Some go for a classic look, like the white floor-skimming gown by Diane von Furstenberg or the blue off-the-shoulder dress by Michael Kors. Others are a little more theatrical and outlandish, like the red white and blue dress by Betsey Johnson or the red caped outfit from Christian Lacroix.
Maria Cornejo, whose clothes Michelle Obama wore during the campaign, is one of the designers who contributed a sketch.
"I think she should wear something tailored. You want to look at the pictures 20 years from now and think they still look relevant. So she needs something that is quite timeless," she said.
Commenting on some of the other designs suggested for the First Lady in waiting she added:
"Some of them were really vulgar and lacked class. It’s the First Lady. I would put her in something beautifully made, tailored with some colour and sophistication."
Jade Floyd, who writes a Washington DC-based fashion and entertainment blog, has been paying close attention to the designs sketched out for Michelle for her own personal reasons.
"I watch what she wears very closely," she says. "Michelle Obama has already become a staple in fashion. She’s shopping at stores that the everyday American women can buy from.

" History lesson"
Jade was one of the many who went out and bought an H&M dress worn by Mrs Obama during the presidential election campaign.
The yellow cardigan and blouse she wore on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno sold out after she revealed its High Street origins. "Actually, this is a J Crew ensemble. You can get some good stuff online," she told the talk show host.
There might be speculation about what Mrs Obama is picking for inauguration day, but it seems husband Barack has already made up his mind. He is thought to have opted for a suit and tuxedo from designers Hart Schaffner Marx.
The Chicago-based firm has been supplying clothes to the president-elect since the Democratic National Convention in August.A spokeswoman for the firm said Mr Obama had always chosen "very classic" pieces from their ranges but wouldn’t reveal any details about his inaugural outfit.
Even though it looks like he has decided, Women’s Wear Daily has also commissioned a set of sketches of outfits for the future president. Designers including Paul Smith, Tommy Hilfiger and Kenneth Cole offer their ideas, from the classic tailored suit to the more formal topcoat, and even the extravagant in the form of a bright blue Missoni suit.
There will be those who have no interest in presidential attire, but back at the first Ladies exhibition, Pat Lenor from Baltimore believes an interest in the first couple’s clothing can teach us something.
"I think it’s not so much about the fashion as the historical approach," she says.
"You follow down through the ages and you see the things that are chosen and what that says about the time."

Source: BBC World News 27DEC08