Sunday 29 March 2009

Silver Coast Update

We were buzzing about The Silver Coast of Portugal as a place
to invest last and since then we would like to bring you more exciting
news on developments in the area. It was just announced that a 348 million
euro project of new roads and improvements to some of the older roads
around the more popular towns would be undertaken in the next few years.
This will extention of the A8 motorway to link with the main A1 connecting Lisbon to Porto and greatly improve access for the area to these 2 important cities and their airports. Also news of a new Leira Shopping and entertainment centre in Leiria will also add benifit to anyone living or wish to invest in this exciting region of Portugal. Disbite all the doom and gloom around at the moment local agents for Property on the Silver Coast are still reporting plenty of interest with people looking to buy property in Portugal and this particular area is still seeing strong demand.

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