Friday 26 December 2008

Whats on your Lips!!

Organic make up and in particular Organic Lipstick is so much better for you than chemically based products. But I feel the most important you should use is an organic lipstick and lip gloss. Why well if you think about it you eat with it drink with it and kiss with it! So either you or your partner will come into contact with whatever chemicals or elements are in the lipstick!
Please take the following onboard: Lead poisoning poses a threat to our health. Lead is a very toxic metal that has negative effect on our nervous system, renal and cardiovascular diseases, and can be fatal in high dose consumption cases. Lead builds up in the body over time so the more exposure you have even in very small doses can have an affect on your health. Avoiding it where at all possible is vital. Since the late 70's the FDA has kept lowering the legal limit of lead content found in common everyday products like paint, children’s toys, playground equipment etc.
Research from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics found that more than 50% of the 33 brand-name lipsticks tested (61%) contained detectable levels of lead.
World Governments do not yet have any regulations for lead in lipstick, but here is a reference for you to ponder on:
The FDA allows the level of lead in candy to be 0.1 ppm. * Some of the famous brands lipsticks have shown to have up to 6 TIMES that amount!
Does your current Lipstick brand disclose to you their product ingredients, organic and natural cosmetics companies do – it is obvious why isn't it.
Lipstick to women is like second nature these days and is a very lucrative industry for the cosmetic companies; therefore you should seriously consider changing to an organic lipstick and lip gloss. This choice will ensure you keep away from any lead exposure and other toxic chemicals or even crushed bugs used for colour, present in a lot of lipsticks on the market. If you don’t know where and how to pick a safe lipstick, check for good organic lipstick choices you then know that you have the purest ingredients.
Do you want to run the risk of applying crushed bug or lead-containing lipstick and lip gloss on your lips, which may get in your mouth and then the ingredients are absorbed into your body and then your bloodstream? . While there is no safe level of lead exposure, lead builds up in the body over a period of time.
So, until the very wealthy cosmetic industry gets its act together and provides us with ALL the information we SHOULD have to enable us consumers to make our own informed choices do your research and be careful when going lipstick shopping next time and only buy and organic lipstick visit !!.

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